After making your selection, I will start with the photo editing. For example, I’ll adjust the colour and light and do some retouch. You’ll receive the photos by email within 2 weeks.


After the shoot, I will send you a photo gallery within 2 days, from which you can pick your selection. Do you see more photos than were in your original package? No problem, it is possible to purchase extra photos.


Let’s shoot!


Once you have filled out the contact form, I will get back to you within 24 hours. We’ll discuss your wishes and schedule the shoot. I'll send you a brochure with additional information about locations and clothing choices.



* These prices include VAT, but exclude travel costs. Travel costs within a radius of 15 km around Rotterdam will be dismissed. 

get in touch

·  2,5 hour of photography
·  40 retouched photos

€ 395 *

Package 3


·  1,5 hour of photography
·  20 retouched photos

€ 275 *

Package 2  |  most chosen!


·  1 hour of photography
·  10 retouched photos

€ 185 *

Package 1


personal branding

Are you an entrepreneur and do you want portrait photos?
Take a look at Personal Branding.

1 / 2


"De fotoshoot met Hannah was erg ontspannen, gezellig en sfeervol. Zij heeft leuke ideeën voor locaties en welke plekken goed overkomen op de foto. Tijdens de fotoshoot voelde ik me erg op mijn gemak. Ik bewoog op een manier die prettig voor me voelde, en als ik in een leuke houding stond, dan vroeg Hannah me om deze houding aan te houden. Ik ben superblij met het eindresultaat. Ik wilde graag vrolijke, stralende foto's van mezelf in mooie natuur en met ondergaande zon. Dat is zeker gelukt. Op deze foto’s zie ik duidelijk terug wie ik ben."

Kind words

Wherever there is enough daylight! For example at your home or somewhere in nature. A place that suits you. I will send you a brochure containing more information regarding locations.

Usually, this shoot is booked for 1 person. But you can also book it as a couples shoot. 

This is possible as long as the sun is up. The golden hour has the best light, this is roughly the two hours before the sun sets. This is my favourite time to schedule shoots due to the soft warm light.

In case of an outdoor shoot we’ll reschedule. This is of course free of costs. If the date is important to you, it is useful to keep an indoor location on hand.

There is no limit on outfit changes. Multiple outfits create a diverse image. However, I do not recommend bringing too many outfits, as too much choice can cause stress. And by often interrupting the shoot for clothing changes, we have less time to take photos. I would recommend no more than 2 or 3 outfits per hour. 

Yes, I carefully edit each photo individually. I’ll adjust the light, colour, and contrast where necessary. I will also remove any temporary spots and dark circles. Unless we’ve discussed this otherwise. 

No definitely not! Almost everyone has to loosen up a bit once in front of the camera. Many clients tell me afterwards that they really liked the shoot! I even notice that it is a boost for your self-esteem. I will help you pose and show you some pictures in between, so you can see how well it is going! The most important thing is that you feel comfortable, because this is reflected in the photos.

I live in Rotterdam, but I can be booked anywhere in the Netherlands. I would even love to travel abroad for you! Different prices apply for this. Ask for the possibilities.

No, this shoot is aimed at the individual. For entrepreneurs, I offer Branding Shoots.

After you have decided to book me I will send you a quotation and my terms & conditions. After you have signed these (digitally) I will send you the invoice for a 25% non-refundable deposit. If you book me within 30 days of the shoot I will send you an invoice for the whole amound. Signing the proposal and paying the deposit officially books me and holds your date.